We all began climbing together, but soon the younger members of the team, with their high energies, accelerated their climb. Although I was enjoying the outing, it soon became obvious that my speed was not equal to theirs, and the sun was now generating a temperature in the range of high-thirties Celsius. One young man named Eben remained with me as we walked a little slower than the others. About twenty minutes into the ascent, I became aware of an unusual thirst. At first I thought little of it because the day was hot and we had above-normal exertion. As we looked higher, we could see the speck-size forms of the other team members. As they approached the peak, they looked like tiny mountain goats.

As I climbed further, my mouth became incredibly dry. Minutes later it was as though my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth. It was necessary to do something quickly. I called to Eben and told him my plight and that I could go no further without water, which, sadly, neither of us had. As my throat was beginning to close, I knew for the first time in my life I was in serious trouble. Eben said he would run to our base at the top of the mountain and come again with water because there was none on the mountain. He knew that from having grown up in that
village. He reckoned the total round trip would take him forty or fifty minutes—time I was not sure I had. He prayed with me and left like a chased rabbit. As I sat down on the shade-less hillside, I
covered my head with my shirt and hands. I waited quietly in an attempt to conserve whatever fluid remained, not expecting my life-saving water for what seemed would be a lifetime.

Within ten minutes, he was back, laden with a large Coke bottle full of precious water, and he was in an emotional state. As I emptied the full bottle, my trauma passed. Speech was now possible, and I asked why he was crying.

“Pastor,” he sobbed, “I know there is no water on this mountain. Never! While I was running to the top and passing a rocky crag, I heard an unusual sound. As I stopped to investigate, I heard the sound of a waterfall. I looked around the rocks, and there was a heavy flow of water cascading from a cleft in the rock. That has never been there in my lifetime. Pastor, it was God just providing water for you. Also, since all we young people get money for bottles, there is never a bottle wasted. Today at the waterfall this Coke bottle was just lying there at the base. When you recover, we can go there I will show you the waterfall.”

Soon we began to climb again, this time at my speed, and within a few minutes, he pointed out the rock, walking me over to the side to see the waterfall. In sheer consternation, he looked at the cleft in the rock from which he had caught the water; there was none. The rock was as dry as it ever had been on the hot mountainside.

“Pastor,” he said, “this is the rock. This is the cleft the water gushed from, but now it’s gone.”

As he stood there in disbelief, I also wondered how this had transpired. While surveying the improbable story, I pointed at his feet. He was standing on a section of saturated earth from which the tailings of water could be traced perhaps fifty feet further down the hillside; it was evidence, beyond a doubt, that a supernatural event had occurred there minutes before. We stood and cried and worshiped together. This was yet another God moment in my life, as He had promised when the missions call came—that we would move in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. Many more such provisions have occurred since and some are related later in the book.




(Copyright 2012 – “Living in The Supernatural Dimension by John Abraham”)

Excerpts – Miracle Of Water Coming From A Rock