Global Outreach
PO Box 2190 Abbotsford BC V2T 3X8

The Stone is Rolled Away

Dear Mission’s Partner,

We praise God with you as we rejoice together at this Easter season!

We love you in the Lord Jesus!

All writers of the four gospels, and others, record the stone of Christ’s tomb was removed. Christ’s tomb was empty. “…He is risen as He said” He would. Matt.28:6. The stone having been rolled away and the empty tomb, signify two of many important evidence’s of the risen Christ.1. Cor. 15:3-8. The Apostle Paul said, “And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty, and your faith is also empty”- and ”ye are yet in your sins”. 1.Cor. 15:14,17. But Paul is quick to affirm, “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the ’firstfruits’ of them that slept”. 1. Cor.15:20. In that day, ‘two or three witnesses’ sufficed to establish a legal fact. 2.Cor. 15:1. Paul the lawyer, lists in this passage that approximately 500 people witnessed the resurrected Christ. 1.Cor.15:5-8.  Christ is Risen, Risen indeed! Jesus said, “…Because I live you shall live also”. Jn. 14:19. The writer of the Hebrews declares, for the believer; “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain “. Heb. 6:19.

As the Covid plague has ravaged every segment of society in over two years, the population is fatiguing, to say the least. Sociologists tell us that in traumatic times, the last bulwark of human endurance to fail, is our hope.  Although the believer is living through these difficult times, we are not without hope. Our hope is in Him and his unfailing mercy. Psa. 147:11. Ours is not only a present but a future hope. Prov. 23:18. He has a plan for us today, not to harm us, but to give us a  hope and a future. Jer. 29:11. The apostle Paul teaches us, that through patience and learning to trust scripture, we have encouragement and hope. Rom.15:4. Since we trust the God of hope He will fill us with joy and peace, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Psalmist declares, My soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress; I will not be shaken. Psa.62:5-6.

Since Christ is risen, we have confidence to rejoice in resurrection life beyond the grave. The apostle Paul instructs; Since you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. Col. 3:1-2.

The difficulties of the past months may have presented many hardships, expressing themselves in various ways. Burdens, weights, loads, or if you will a stone as in Christ’s ‘rolled away’ stone. He rolled away the most insurmountable stone, breaking out in victory over sin, death, hell and the grave. 1.Cor.15:55-58. He is ready to roll our stone / burden away, as we trust and ask Him.

However many hurdles or heartbreaks these challenging days have thrown at all of us, we can be encouraged that He who rolled away the ‘death’ stone is with us in His resurrection power, to roll away our stone of burden. Scripture encourages us to; cast all our care upon Him for He cares for us. 1.Pt.5:7. In Matt.11:27-30. Jesus said “Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. Trust Him to roll your stone away, and bear your burden. The stone is rolled away – He is risen!

Ministry Report

We thank God for His faithfulness during these Covid -19 days. We continue to meet all our overseas and home mission projects on a monthly basis Please continue to stand with us in prayer for God’s provision, regardless of the report this week, that for the last two years charitable donations have continued to decline. Some charities are reporting a decline of 15-40%. Most of our projects call for our monthly support. We thank you for faithfully standing with us, especially at this very difficult time, so the gospel ministry cand continue around the world. You have been so faithful. Pray with us that we can stay ahead of our monthly project needs.

There are many ministry prayer needs. At this time, SRI LANKA is CRITICAL.

This is an emergency seldom seen before in the nation. Basic essentials such as staples- milk powder, cooking oil, bread, etc. are in short supply. Electricity is off up to 12 hours daily. Communications are sporadic. Long night-time curfew.  Hospitals have stopped operations. Life-giving medicine is no longer available. Transportation by bus or train is delayed for hours and fuel prices are making it almost impossible to purchase. Covid has caused pastors to limit services and offerings are almost nothing. Army deployed to prohibit protesting. Local currency dropping wildly. Employers encourage employees to work from home to save travel time and cost.

          This week Global Outreach Asia has released considerable funds to our pastors and workers in Sri Lanka, to help meet some of their basic emergency needs. Some of our key workers are experiencing medical emergencies they cannot afford treatment for. Global will be assisting again very soon and your help to stay current in this crisis will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

We can report a good season of ministry, God is faithful! Even in this difficult ‘Covid‘ time . All charities are down considerably,  but He is meeting our ministry need as you continue to remain faithful. God bless you!

Shirley and I are well, enjoying God’s blessing. We wish you and your family a blessed Easter,  rejoicing in the Living Christ!

We are your servants for Jesus Sake.

John & Shirley Abraham

Newsletter – Easter 2022