Global Outreach Foundation

PO Box 2190 Abbotsford BC V2T 3X8 Canada


Christmas Praise Letter

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of peace”. (Isa. 9:6) KJV.

Dear Mission Partner,

For the believer this Christmas season is more than ‘festive’ and ‘happy holidays’, for us it is the celebration of the Saviour’s birth. It is the fulfillment of God’s first promise of the coming spotless Lamb of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, to take away the sin of the world. Gen 3:15. That promise was fulfilled in Jn. 1:14. “And the word became flesh and dwelt among us…” He was not born to live but to die; and to rise again in resurrection life, never to die again. As believers in His finished work we have this assurance that, because He lives we shall live also. Jn. 14:19.  Rejoice in Him on this the celebration of Christ’s birth. Give Him praise and Glory He is our soon coming King.

Since arriving in the UK in October we have been as active in ministry as in any place or at any time over these many years. It is such a great honour to be preaching, teaching, and counseling; touching lives for eternity. This is possible, only because of your faithful ongoing care, prayer and financial support.

Each year as you continue to stand with us monthly, or at the annual Fellowship Support dinner, you help us draw in the net of souls and change lives forever. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This year’s support evening was among the most successful held to date. We were at capacity numbers from early in the booking. There was such a rich sense of His presence from those who led in worship. Everyone spoke of the blessing it had been to them. Our thanks again to those who graciously made the dinner evening possible, so all proceeds would go directly to ministry. This makes such a difference, and we would trust it could happen each year.

The book, entitled, Living in the Supernatural Dimension, continues to amaze me as reports of blessing come from ‘far and wide’. Arrangements are now in place for segments of it to be reproduced in a Chinese Mainland magazine with a circulation of many thousands. The magazine is for new believers and over the next months the excerpts will also be available on their website. This is cause for praise.

There are now several people who have purchased twenty, thirty or more copies of the book and are developing their own ‘one to one’ ministry by giving a copy to those whom they feel it could minister to. George and Margaret Willey in N.Ireland are kindly providing a local supply. They may be reached by phone at 02838 881409. Allan and Arlene Young also supply British Columbia; reach them at 604 853 0827. It may also be obtained from West Bow Press at

Our schedule, (in His will) calls for us to leave Canada for Asia mid-January as budget allows. We are now approaching year-end and believe God to provide the operational shortfall during this year; also, before year end to increase the funds needed to help fulfill the planned ministry overseas. Please keep this ‘concern’ in your prayers as we near that departure date. Before year-end and our next trip in mid-January the ministry needs stronger funding.

Shirley and I love you in the Lord Jesus and we are your servants for Jesus sake. If you would like to contact us personally for any reason, we would be delighted to hear from you through the above address. We are scheduled to return from Asia to Canada by the end of February.

We wish for you the happiest and most blessed Christmas!

In His love

John & Shirley Abraham


Newsletter – Christmas 2012