March 14, 2018


Global Outreach Foundation

PO Box 2190, Abbotsford, BC  V2T 3X8




Dear Mission Partner,


…”The Lord is risen indeed,…” and said…”Peace to you”. Lk. 24:34,36.

He is risen! This simple, yet profound statement is the foundation stone of our Christian faith. Upon it alone stands every tenant of our theology and future hope in Christ, now and beyond the grave. Because He lives we shall live also. Jn.14:19.

Before the ignominy of Christ’s betrayal, scourging and crucifixion, He assured His disciples of His peace remaining with them.  Jn.14:27.Following His resurrection, as He appeared in the midst of them, He still assured them of His peace.  Lk.24:36.Their time of training was ending; their Master had fulfilled His instruction to them and was preparing to leave them. They were afraid and uncertain of their future, but His assurance to them was, “…Peace to you”.

We live in a world of uncertainty. Fear is ratcheting up on every major front. It seems that every morning’s new headline out-stress the last. Even the pundits are using descriptive terms formerly reserved for ‘end of world’ conversation. To us who believe, who, like the disciples, have followed the Master as Saviour and Lord, His assurance in our present circumstances,(however traumatic) is still, “Peace to you”.

Shirley and I have recently returned from Sri Lanka to the UK. We had four weeks there working with our pastors, preaching and doing leadership seminars. In one three-day period I had perhaps, eighteen forty- minute sessions.There is also always altar work, prayer and counselling. Local Board work and administration with our society there, is additional.


Praise Points:

1. The ministry is growing. There is ‘a fresh wind blowing’ and there seems to be a new expectation in the hearts of the pastors. We both sensed a great anointing in prayer times, in the services and on the pastor’s attitudes and outlooks. The presence of God was felt in every service.  Every alter was filled with those who sought and received God’s touch for their need.

2. We visited numbers of assemblies with increasing congregations.

3. Some churches are enlarging existing buildings; others are digging foundations for new ‘plants’.

4. Our ministry there has, for the present, begun partial support for five such assemblies.

5. In addition, we have been providing monthly support for all eligible pastors’ families, of about 350+.


Prayer Points:

A. For some of you who are interested in contributing to the church extensions or new church plants, in Asia, feel free to contact us directly. There are so many ministry challenges open today, we need to find the center of His will, then partner with it.

B. We are also seeking direction in prayer for partnering in the support of a young evangelist to travel in support of our churches and to do ‘crusade evangelism’, leading to additional ‘church plants’. The cost of his fulltime ministry for personal allowance,travel, accommodation and ministry expense would be approximately $450 US monthly.

C. We are asking prayer for direction on a major new possibility.There may be opportunity, as the Lord leads, to be included in partnering with others who would enable us to leverage our dollars invested. Perhaps to double or more, our dollar investment. This would apply to the church plant and evangelist projects. Please pray how we may seize this offer to the max.

D. Please pray also for the present on-going ministry commitments. There are many plans scheduled and we need everyone with a heart for this work to stand with us now and through the summer months. This will help us underwrite the ministry budget cost and carry the monthly ministry need with integrity.

E. You are an important part of this ministry team. Your continuing prayer and support is vital.  Please use the enclosed form to share how God is leading you. Also, please share with us how the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about the above opportunities.

We return to Canada on April 15th and look forward to seeing many of you again.

Please mark your planner for the GOF Annual Fellowship Dinner, Fri  Oct. 12th, 2018. Garden Park Tower, Abbotsford. More details later in the year.


You are loved!

Your servants for Jesus sake,


John & Shirley Abraham

Newsletter – Easter 2018