Global Outreach Foundation
PO Box 2190 Abbotsford BC V2T 3X8
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Psa.122:6.
Dear Mission Partner,
Our thoughts naturally turn The Holy Land at this time of year. We remember the last weeks of Christ’s life, death and resurrection. This year our attention has been riveted on Israel for other reasons. The atrocities perpetrated on Israel by her enemy, beginning Oct.7. 2023 has captivated the world.
Israel, in land mass is roughly 30% SMALLER than Vancouver Island, and can have attacks from up to six border neighbours. On the occasion that Shirley and I have visited Israel, it’s always comforting to see the above scripture prominently displayed on their street signs or wall plaques.
At this time especially, Israel needs our prayer. We do well to remember how much the Israeli people mean to us. At creation, God created the first man in His own image, from whom we now exist.
He did this simply by forming man from the dust of the earth, (Jewish soil) breathing into that soil His Divine breath and we became a living soul. (Gen.2:7).
To give us His word He inspired Moses, (Jewish man) to write the Pentateuch, (First five books of the Bible). And the Prophets the rest ofthe Old Testament- All Jewish Authors.
Since Jesus came, we have the new Covenant, the Dispensation of Grace. Jesus Christ, born of a woman- born to be the Savior of the world, the Jewish man, (God in the flesh), the Lord Jesus Christ.
As His public ministry began, He chose twelve disciples, (and later Paul the Apostle) all Jewish men, who gave us the New Testament.
The Jewish authorities of Jesus day, combined in their efforts to convict and crucify Jesus – all Jewish men, gave us the Saviour of the world.
For salvation, and all the major benefits we have received through the Bible, and from ourresulting Israeli connection, we are called to continue praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Psa.122:6.
Hallelujah, Jesus lives! “He is not here He is risen, as He said…” Matt. 28:6.
And “because I live you shall live also…”. Jn. 14:19.
As we approach Easter, should this not be the Hallelujah shout on every believers lips: “…Even so, come, Lord Jesus…” ? Rev.22:20-21. Our prayer for each one who reads this is that you may know with assurance the saving power of our resurrected Christ, by placing your faith in Him alone. Then, begin to walk in the power of His resurrected life. Today!
It gives us great pleasure to report the blessings God has showered on this ministry over the past months. Thank you for all of your care love and encouragement. We have been able to continue the various soul winning projects on a monthly basis. Your faithful monthly giving allows us to minister smoothly around the world. Together we are able to see hundreds saved monthly. We have planted several churches in the past few months. The concrete footings are perhaps sixteen feet high at each of the main corners of the future building- their new church home. Praise God!
Pray with us for a new project. Some years ago I had a 15 min, gospel message on Short Wave Radio covering all of the 10/40 window. With todays technology, it’s now possible to re-use these messages, interpreted into several of the major languages understood in the 10/40 window. Possibly up two billion people would then hear the gospel in their own language. Please pray into this, that God will bring the right team together, and the necessary monthly broadcast time cost. Global exists, only as the vehicle that brings the love and peace of God to those who are searching for Him. This will become a good news message of love, peace and reconciliation to the largely Islamic world within the 10/40 window.
At Global, we bless the Lord For His provision for the many avenues of ministry undertaken. And for your faithfulness, enabling us to carry the monthly financial load. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! It’s your monthly Investment, that is God’s provision for these soul winning projects.
This letter goes to each of you with our prayer for God’s favor, blessing and Holy Spirit anointing, on your home and family. Praying a ‘hedge of protection’ around all of your loved ones, coming against the attack of the evil one. Praying too, for a rich outpouring of wisdom and understanding, bringing to you the desires of your heart, in His will and for His Glory. Everything we do at Global we do for His Glory.
Each time a letter goes out from this office, I include my personal mobile number. Over the years, I know you won’t abuse this privilege, inviting you to contact me personally if you have any questions or prayer need. Call me at 604 807 5678.
We are still replenishing our funds, after the heavy expenditure of the recent mission thrust. This means we need to increase our present budget funding by approx. $26,000 in the very near future. Please understand, we have no debt, are on a strong footing, but the above amount is to replace only a portion of our recent overseas mission cost. Thank you for caring and praying. Please stand with us at this time, so this short-fall of budget can quickly be resolved. Please hear from God on this need very soon.
Our love and prayers go with this letter, wishing you the happiest and most blessed of Easters. Rejoice, He lives for ever more.!
We are your servants for Jesus Sake! 170324
John & Shirley Abraham