Global Outreach Foundation

PO Box 2190 Abbotsford BC V2T 3X8


Annual Fellowship Support Dinner Fri. Oct 16th

Location: Garden Park Tower 2825 Clearbrook Rd. Abbotsford

Time: 6:30 PM Ph. 604 864 8468 to confirm before Oct 12 2015

Dear Mission Partner,

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians; “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you… because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now”. Phil.1:1-5. (ESV)

For the same reason we thank God for your partnership, your prayers and your love in the work of sharing the gospel to the lost, together in partnership with us. It is your faithful ongoing involvement with us as a team player in this great work for His Kingdom that enables us to continue.

The thrill of ministry has never ceased, whether in counselling, teaching, leadership schools, or preaching the gospel; each time a life is changed, a penitent receives Christ as Saviour, a body is healed by the power of God or a rural church is planted we rejoice with you and also because of your faithful partnership.


Please allow us to host you at the up-coming GOF Annual support Dinner. Let us share with you what God is doing around the world because of your partnership. Shirley and I would like to share our hearts with you and thank you for the years of great fellowship.

Prayerfully consider bringing other mission minded couples with you who would excite about the challenge of missions in developing countries. The logistics of funding missions is complex, not the least of which is donors moving away, being called to their Heavenly home, circumstances changing etc. and for these reasons you are encouraged to invite other likeminded couples to accompany you.

When you call to confirm your place, please mention their names and the number of couples who will accompany you.

Phone 604 864 8468 to confirm your attendance, not later than Mon Oct.12th.

This letter is going to a much wider area than it is possible for many to travel from, for the GOF Dinner.

As it is the only GOF mission support dinner that is held in Canada, you’re prayerful investment in GOF Missions is deeply appreciated even if you are not able to attend at Abbotsford.

We also understand that many are on holiday on Friday Oct. 16th and not able to be with us. But as He leads you and you care to respond as though you could be there, your investment in soul winning and ministry will be warmly received. We appreciate you continuing to stand with us and need you to continue to partner with us at this time.

The summer months are always difficult; this year is no exception. The prolonged hot dry season seems to also have also taken its toll on normal summer giving. Please trust God with us for this to be resolved very quickly. Your best help now would be greatly appreciated as there is a very considerable deficiency. Please feel free to call me if you wish to discuss this further.

Global Outreach Foundation is a Registered Charity under the British Columbia Society Act, Provincial (Reg.No.1072966-47); and since its inception has always been in good standing with Canada Revenue Agency, Federal (Reg. No. 892161183 RP0001) All donations for 2015 will be receipted in early 2016.


The demand for overseas ministry constantly exceeds the availability of funding. In just the past few weeks we have had to decline, for the present, extensive tours of ministry to Nigeria, Pakistan and Myanmar for 2016. One of these was a national Pastors convention with several thousand attendees. The most recent tour overseas was for almost five month.

During this time we both ministered in many different places and types of ministry. Shirley is asked to minister in the pulpit or in leadership schools to ladies and pastor’s wives session. Recently we were surprised when attending a Saturday afternoon service, that it had been billed as a seminar for new parents on how to raise and train better children. This attracted about sixty young parents. We were both called to each speak for about two hours without warning or preparation. ‘The bottom line’ was that about forty eight parents gave their lives to Christ the first time they were ever in church.

An all Britain convention kept me busy for about a week, speaking two and sometimes three time’s daily. In Eire we both ministered in many house church groups in Co. Kerry. Those were exceptional times where Charismatic Catholics met for Bible study, praise and worship and ministry in the gifts of the Spirit.

In Ulster we preached and taught in many settings; one to a good group of university students. Afterward for more than an hour they formed a single line and waited until each one had private counselling; how God moved on those beautiful young people.

Since returning to Canada as well as being busy with GOF and GOUK on ‘day to day’ activities, I have Sevana in Asia to deal with. Additionally I am preaching and did a men’s seminar, and two ten week teaching lectures running concurrently.

In Indonesia we ministered in evangelistic and church settings, with many making their decisions for Christ. Good numbers lined up to testify to healings of various complaints.

We had a busy four weeks of ministry activity in Sri Lanka. Shirley and I on occasion, passed one another in the hotel lobby separately coming and going to minister. In connection with our Asian, Sevana ministry I had much administrative activity during business hours.

Working Toward another Book

We will remain in Canada until after the Oct.16th GOF Fellowship Dinner, until then, in addition to ministry I am trying to find time to push ahead with writing another book. The earlier book, ‘Living in the Supernatural Dimension’ is being extremely well received. Just recently I noticed on Amazon, that someone purchased thirty copies. Locally, it is available at the House of James, Abbotsford, or we also have copies available. It will also be available at the coming dinner for those of you who are asking to have some for Christmas gifts or other ministry DVD’s.

Web Page Ministry

GOF’s web page: is attracting much overseas interest. We monitor each category on the site and about 100,000 hits have been recorded from over forty countries; China, Russia, Pakistan, Nigeria, and UAE, to mention a few. Much of the teaching material and audio seminars or messages are being downloaded, and taught and preached by the nationals with hundreds being reported by them as being converted. We praise God for this!

Charitable Estate Planning

Information relating to the Dec.16th 2014, Bill C-43 changes, to be effective Jan.1st 2016, is available for those who wish to take advantage of these benefits. Numbers of you are interested in maximizing your charitable donations now and/or after your home going, to GOF. This detailed information is available to you by contacting GOF and a professional advisor will assist you confidentially.


Following the GOF Fellowship Dinner we will be leaving for overseas ministry again; first going to UK and later Asia. Shirley and I need and will deeply appreciate your prayers. Travel is getting much more complicated, and security takes its toll. Economy travel is shrinking leg room, and on 12-14 hour flights it becomes a real hardship. Our doctors and those in leadership insist we up-grade our travel at this stage, but that has never been possible. This last return flight from Asia caused serious ‘deep vein’ health issues for Shirley, who is still being very careful and in recovery mode.

You are loved! Thank you for your great fellowship in ministry. We feel your love and prayers when we are away, and soak up your love when we are able to be in Canada.

In His love and service

John & Shirley Abraham 150715

Newsletter – July 2015