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“…And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent…?” Rom. 10:14 -15.

Dear Mission’s Partner,

Today (as I write to you) our Nation’s attention is focused on Moncton NB and the honourable laying to rest ceremony of our three fallen RCMP heroes. Looking beyond this human tragedy, grief, and cultural pageantry, we as Christian believers, know from scripture what lies beyond the mortal veil. We know the primary purpose of man’s temporal mandate is preparation here for the hereafter.

For me, this event, other indiscriminate school and university shootings, not to mention the recent Korean ferry and Malaysian Airlines disasters together claiming about six hundred lives; prompts the question; in my calling as an evangelist am I doing my best to win the lost to Jesus Christ?

Others have asked this question; “Have I done my best”. As a powerful Gold Medal Olympics swimmer Edward Spencer was alerted while in the library of his Northwest University, close to the banks of Lake Michigan to a shipping disaster in 1860.

Responding without concern for his life or future career, he plunged into the churning autumn gale, retrieving seventeen lives until he collapsed from exhaustion. His weakened body never recovered and he lived the rest of his life as a partial invalid.

Years later he was visited by Ensign E. Young who, upon hearing the details, found him still asking “Did I do my best?” Young, being moved by the spiritual parallel then wrote the lyrics to the classic hymn, “Have I done my best for Jesus?”

The following stanzas still challenge me as I write this letter. (Web: Nickel Notes)

Have I done my best for Jesus?

The hours that I have wasted are so many, the hours I’ve spent for Christ so few;

Because of all my lack of love for Jesus, I wonder if His heart is breaking too.

I wonder have I cared enough for others, or have I left them to die alone?

I might have helped a wanderer to the Saviour, the seed of precious life I might have sown.

No longer will I stay within the valley I’ll climb to mountain heights above,

The world is dying now for want of someone to tell them of a Saviour’s love.


How many are the lost that I have lifted? How many are the chained I’ve helped to free?

I wonder have I done my best for Jesus, when He has done so much for me.

It is with this heavy burden for the lost that as the summer season begins we are continuing in faith to leave for Indonesia in early July until early August. The ministry schedule was planned when I ministered there in January.

Together with you as a team, we trust God to bring the pressing details together. Within the next few days airline tickets must be booked, hotel rooms reserved and thousands of dollars of ministry and local travel cost be made available to win the lost and plant rural assemblies. There are also many needs in the lives of our pastors and workers that they look to us to help with.

May I please impose on you to join me in prayer as I continue in my annual 40 day partial fast until July 10, to experience the breakthrough that is ours as workers together with Him; “…He has given us a breakthrough…” according to 2.Sam 5:20.

We believe that as we stand in prayer together trusting God, that He will fully provide at least $16,500 from His resources. He is “…Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”. Eph. 3:20.Our challenge is to pray and trust Him to supply the need. We have learned over many years that He never gives an assignment that He doesn’t fully provide for.

“Where there is no vision the people perish…” Prov.29:18 (KJV)

God has:

Given us a vision together with you to reach and win the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ

Given us a vision together with you to minister in His healing and delivering power

Given us a vision together with you to train national workers and pastors, in leadership schools

Given us a vision together with you to help the national leadership plant rural and jungle churches

Given us a vision together with you where possible to provide humanitarian need

We dare not let our generation perish. We will win the lost one at a time.

The GOF Annual Fellowship Support dinner is planned for Oct.3rd 2014 at Garden Park Tower

Clearbrook Rd Abbotsford

Your RSVP invitations will be mailed in August.

Because of the expected numbers from the special celebrations, admission will be by invitation only.

Please keep us in your prayers; this is the heaviest year in ministry for several years.

Additionally in October I have a very large ministry conference for all of Britain

You are in our prayers. We love you and believe God for His richest blessings of health and provision for you and your families’. Please feel free to call us at any time if you have a personal need.

In His Love & Service

John & Shirley Abraham 100614

Newsletter – Oct 2014